How Does a Sprinkler Timer Work?

A standard irrigation controller connects to 110 volt outlet or circuit breaker, depending on whether or not the sprinkler is an indoor or outdoor model. There is a transformer in the clock that takes the 110 volts and turns it into 24 volts. The 24 volts are used to keep the time and program of the irrigation system; this part acts as the central nervous system of the sprinkler system. The voltage is also used to open the electric valves to allow the flow of water to a certain area.

An irrigation controller circuit board has a separate station for each zone and one "common" wire, which acts as the negative. When a certain zone is activated, what is happening is that the sprinkler controller is sending out 24 volts to that electric valve. The electricity has then magnetized a plunger inside the valve, which then lifts up and allows the flow of water to that section. Presto! The lawn gets watered.

After the amount of time has passed that the zone was programmed for, the electricity then stops for that zone and moves on to the next. When the electricity stops, the magnet causes the plunger to drop which causes the flow of the water to stop as well. By using a timer, farmers and home owners can save a great deal of money.

The key to establishing a lush green lawn is daily maintenance, regular cutting, and fertilizing. The greenest, long-lasting lawns are maintained over long periods of time. By installing an effective and efficient yard sprinkler system, farmers and homeowners can establish when and how their lawns get watered. Do not water the lawn if rains are expected in the near future; keep track of rainfall for the week.