Caring for Shaded Lawns
Lawn care becomes less complicated when the lawn receives plenty of sunshine and water. Things get trickier when it doesn’t.
Getting grass to grow in the shade has always been tricky. Speaking of tricky, there are no fancy tricks that will allow lawns to grow better in the shade. Knowledge is what’s needed instead. There are ways to make sure your grass is made in the shade.
One of the simplest ways to be done with this shady lawn talk is by grabbing a pair of pruning shears and pruning some limbs from nearby shrubs and small trees. If this is an option, it’s one worth exploring.
If using the shears won’t cut it, consider the type of grass that’s growing in your yard. It may be time for a change. There are some grasses that simply grow better in the shade than others. You can plan to reseed those shady areas with grass seed that requires less sunlight. Sometimes less is more.
It’s also a good idea to mow the shady areas of grass at a higher level than other areas of the yard. This extra length of grass allows for photosynthesis. This will give the grass in the shade a little extra energy to grow.
Shaded grass needs watering, but overwatering can be a problem. Shade hampers the absorption of water so extra water sits on the surface for longer periods of time. Dampness can lead to lawn disease. A lawn sprinkler system with a timer can help you dictate when you water the lawn and for how long.