Common Lawn Watering Mistakes Homeowners Should Avoid at All Costs

A lawn filled with beautiful, green grass.

This is every homeowner's dream. 

How do you achieve this green lawn perfection? Should you water all day, every day? Is it possible to water too much?

Keep reading to see the five lawn watering mistakes that you need to avoid: 

1. Watering at the Wrong Time

The worst time to water your lawn is in the middle of the day when the heat and sun are at their peak. 

Most experts say that watering between 4:00am-8:00am is the optimal time. This gives the lawn a good supply of water to survive the heat of the day later on. The wind is typically lowering in the morning as well, meaning there will be less of the water evaporating.

There are several timers that you can schedule the sprinklers on so that you don't have to wake before sunrise to turn them on. 

2. Sprinkler Autopilot

Another common watering mistake is to let the sprinkler run on autopilot and not continue to monitor it.

If the weather quickly changes from sun to rain, the sprinkler could still be running and end up flooding the lawn. Sprinkler heads could break or be pointed in the wrong direction and several gallons of water can be wasted watering the sidewalk. 

Paying attention during the change of seasons is important because you don't want to water the lawn after the grass has stopped growing or before it has started. 

3. Over-Watering

Although water is good for your lawn, it is possible to water it too much. 

When the grass receives an excessive amount of water, it can start to develop a shallow root system. This means the grass will be more vulnerable to heat stress and has a greater chance of being affected by drought. If this happens, it will take longer for the grass to recover. 

4. Under-Watering

It is possible to be watering your lawn less than you should be.

The type of grass and climate are two of the factors that can cause you to not water enough. Newly planted grass will require more water to grow a healthy, deep root system for the future. Supplementing the rainfall with additional irrigation is key to the survival of new grass. 

5. Not Planning Your Lawn Watering Approach

If you want your lawn to look like a well-manicured baseball field, you have to approach your lawn care like a groundskeeping crew. 

It is important to make sure you are using the proper sprinkler heads in the right areas of the lawn. We offer several different types of sprinklers to meet your needs. Purchasing a water monitor for your hose will help you keep track of the amount of water your lawn is getting.

Start Watering Today!

Feel free to check out our blog if you would like more tips on lawn watering. We can guide you with any of your lawn and garden watering needs. 

Our products are available in our online store or through under the seller name Timers Plus.