How to Tell If Your Thermostat Needs to Be Replaced Before Winter

Orbit Thermostat

Keeping the temperature in your home at a comfortable level is a must. No one wants to sit and eat dinner or watch TV while shivering cold, or worse, when it's humid and hot. 

To ensure the temperature is set properly, your home's thermostat becomes an important feature to pay attention to.

This device allows you to change temperatures, activate fans and adjust as needed. But it must also be functioning properly to deliver these results. A faulty thermostat can cause drastic temperature issues in your home and may even force you to call for costly maintenance and repairmen when you don’t really need to. .

With the winter season closing in, it’s a good idea to check that your thermostat is functioning and that your home heating system is ready to go before those blustery, cold winter nights make their way in.

Here are some ways to tell if your thermostat needs to be replaced before winter.

Screen is Off

If the screen on your thermostat is completely off, first check to see if you are able to power it on again. If not, chances are the battery may have died. Try swapping out the battery to see if that turns the screen or controls back on. If not, there could be a faulty fuse or other electrical issue happening. Consult with your user manual or call the manufacturer to troubleshoot before going out to purchase a new one incase it is a quick fix.

Temperature Is Incorrect

If your thermometer is reading a temperature that feels far different from what the degrees in the room actually feel like, this could signify an issue with the sensor within it or that the device is getting old and outdated. Some systems can be recalibrated but other older models still using mercury to read degrees are probably best replaced.

Another tip is to place a manual thermometer near the unit and give it some time to read the temp and see if they both match up. If not, you may need to consider getting a newer unit installed so you get an accurate read and don’t risk wasting energy and increasing costs.

Furnace or AC Turns On and Off

This is a common issue, the system kicking on and off, a lot with air conditioning units and it usually relates to the placement of the thermostat. If it's close to a window the direct sunlight for example may cause the temperature read to be drastically skewed and send the unit into an on and off battle. A simple fix is to move the location of the thermostat in this instance. Before winter, you should also check to ensure your air filters are clean and free of debris and dirt which can also clog the system and force a bad thermostat read.

Visit Sprinkler System Store for a range of programmable thermostats that help keep your home at the right temperature and decrease energy usage and utility bills.